Sponsor a Student
Your support can break down barriers to education for children in Liberia. With just $21/month or $126/remainder of the 2025 school year (January - June), you can provide a child with the opportunity to learn, grow, and succeed in a loving, quality environment. Together, we can make their dreams of education a reality.
Learn More
Many children in Liberia face barriers to education because their families cannot afford tuition and school supplies. By sponsoring a student through BEE Liberia, your monthly support will help make their dreams of education a reality, empowering them to build a brighter future. Together, we can provide the opportunity for these children to learn, grow, and succeed.
Click the "Sponsor a Student" button to visit the PayPal donation page. Choose your sponsorship amount: $21/month (recurring) or $126 (one-time for the remainder of the 2025 school year, January - June). To make it recurring, check the "Make this a monthly donation" box; for a one-time donation, leave it unchecked. Log in to PayPal, select your payment method, and click "Donate Now." After your sponsorship, BEE Liberia will share details about the student you’re supporting. Thank you for making a difference!
With a monthly donation of $21 or a one-time donation of $126 for the remainder of the school year, January - June (or more), you can ensure that your student is educated in a loving, Christian and quality environment. Sponsorships can be paid monthly, quarterly, biannual, or annually. One-time donations are also greatly appreciated. Click “Sponsor A Student” above to make a one-time or recurring donation to sponsor a student.
Dedicate As A Gift
Would you like to make your donation in memory of or in honor of a someone you care for? If so please click “Dedicate As A Gift” below.
Example: If the donation is in memory of or honor of Ruth Brighton, click ' + Add special instructions: ' to enter “Memorial Gift in Honor of Ruth Brighton”, as well as address information to send acknowledgment of the donation to you and her family.
Give Now
We strive to provide our schools and community with all the items necessary to build a nurturing learning environment.
We need your help to supply notebooks, chalk, paper, computers, and more. Your donation will support the operations of our organization or fund one of our many projects and school building.
Please consider partnering with us both financially and prayerfully to continue to build our community through education.