Give Now
Click on your desired donation amount (Like ‘$5.00’) to contribute a $5 brick towards building a secure fence.
Dedicate As A Gift
Would you like to make your donation in memory of or in honor of a someone you care for? If so please click “Dedicate As A Gift” below.
Example: If the donation is in memory of or honor of Ruth Brighton, click ' + Add special instructions: ' to enter “Memorial Gift in Honor of Ruth Brighton”, as well as address information to send acknowledgment of the donation to you and her family.
Give Now
We strive to provide our schools and community with all the items necessary to build a nurturing learning environment.
We need your help to supply notebooks, chalk, paper, computers, and more. Your donation will support the operations of our organization or fund one of our many projects and school building.
Please consider partnering with us both financially and prayerfully to continue to build our community through education.